Monday Madness: Meet My Muse(s)

Remember that post I did on My Take on Natasha Law Inspired Art? ... Well, those cute little kiddos are my babies! They inspire me in all t...

Remember that post I did on My Take on Natasha Law Inspired Art?...Well, those cute little kiddos are my babies! They inspire me in all that I do and I wanted to share my world with you...probably because you are going to see more of them. They not only make me a better mother, but they make me a better decorator because I have to design around them. Ha! Anyone with kids know that children can be messy. Sometimes as parents we throw in the towel and allow our kids to define our decor style...but not this momma! My house maybe a hot mess 3-4 days out of the week, but it is a mess-in-style! Yeah, I said it...My house IS messy...but to my defense there are 3 of them (4 counting the mister) and one of me. So without further muse(s)
My beautiful daughters aka Baby Girl and The Princess
My son aka Boo Boo and The Princess
Boo Boo
Baby Girl doing her best Wendy Williams impersonation..."how you doin?"...

My muse(s), my heart, and my madness...happy Monday!

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