How To Make a Prada Marfa Sign

While searching the net, I saw a Prada Marfa sign and I wanted it. No, I needed it. What I did not want was the $145 price tag. So...

DIY Art on a thrifty budget. Create chic, high end style art on a budget. Dollar Store Art.

While searching the net, I saw a Prada Marfa sign and I wanted it. No, I needed it. What I did not want was the $145 price tag. So I decided that I can create one myself. 


Stock paper
X-acto knife
Poster Board
Paint Tape
Black Sharpie


DIY Art on a thrifty budget. Create chic, high end style art on a budget. Dollar Store Art.

1. Print words Prada Marfa off in desired font and size and cut out with X-acto knife. 

DIY Art on a thrifty budget. Create chic, high end style art on a budget. Dollar Store Art.

2. After you are done cutting out the letters, tape letters down using paint tape

DIY Art on a thrifty budget. Create chic, high end style art on a budget. Dollar Store Art.

3. Trace the letters with a black sharpie marker and fill in. 

DIY Art on a thrifty budget. Create chic, high end style art on a budget. Dollar Store Art.

4. Let marker dry and put signage in frame. 

DIY Art on a thrifty budget. Create chic, high end style art on a budget. Dollar Store Art.

Boom there you go! It looks so pretty…sometimes LESS is MORE. 

This cost approximately $1.50 and took an hour 1.5 hours to create. The frame was a thrift store find that has been in storage until this project was created. 

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